International Guests Sacred Heart Study

Our names are Ally Montgomery and Abby Orso, and we are students in our final year at Colby College in Waterville, Maine, USA.

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Since September 2023, we have been working together, under the guidance of our Professor, Adam Howard, on our independent study regarding Sacred Heart education.

We were interested in understanding how the Sacred Heart tradition prepares students for life after graduation and what makes these schools so unique.

When our university gave us the opportunity to travel internationally and visit another Sacred Heart school, we were immediately drawn to visit Sacré Coeur Riedenburg. Riedenburg offers many academic opportunities, such as the International School, the boarding school, and the Higher Education Institute, along with an interesting recent transition of accepting male students. Therefore, Riedenburg was a perfect candidate for our study, and we were delighted to travel to the beautiful Vorarlberg region of Austria. We spent the past two days at SC Riedenburg, interviewing teachers and observing the “special spirit” we often heard brought up in our conversations. The passion the teachers have for this school, as well as the students and their families, made it clear that the values of the Sacred Heart live in their teaching.

Following our data collection, we will compile our findings from all of our conversations at Riedenburg along with a Sacred Heart school in the U.S. to produce a final analysis. We believe that this information has the potential to give meaningful feedback to the Sacred Heart network. We look forward to remaining in touch with the school as our project further develops.

Thank you Sacré Coeur Riedenburg for the opportunity to visit your school!

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